To our patients: We hope you are staying safe and healthy. In order to maintain your safety, we have put the following practice policies in place:

  • Tele-medicine and, where appropriate, in-person consultations are available.
  • We follow NSW Health Covid-safe Guidelines.
  • Pre-screening questions for COVID and symptoms we feel may be relevant may be discussed prior to appointment.
  • All non-patients are required to check in with contact details as per Covid-safe Guidelines.
  • Cleaning and sanitation protocols for all patient contact areas have been put in place to reduce the risk of transmission. Perspex cough-protection barriers are in place to protect patients and front desk staff.
  • Please note that specific advice may change from time to time based on NSW Health Guidelines.
  • Staff and patients may be required to wear masks, based on NSW health guidelines.

We will attempt to limit your time in the office for your safety and the safety of our staff.

Additional COVID-19 Information

  • If you are on an immunosuppressive medication, pregnant, over 65 years of age or not vaccinated and you contract COVID-19, this should be discussed with the COVID-19 Care at Home Support Line (1800 960 933) . Medications are now available to reduce the likelihood of contracted COVID-19 becoming serious, but need to be given early so please do not delay contacting NSW Health. This may require hospital assessment.
  • If you contract COVID-19 and are having severe headaches or dizziness, difficulty breathing or have pain in your chest, call Triple Zero (000) straight away and tell the ambulance staff that you have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Of particular note, in patients who are immunocompromised, including those who take medications for conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS), myasthaenia gravis (MG) & chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP), are recommended to have three primary vaccination doses plus a fourth dose booster, ideally at ~3 months after the third primary dose.
We're COVID Safe